
The Nose Surgery

The surgical method for altering the nose’s form is known as Rhinoplasty. It can be performed for various reasons, including cosmetic and functional reasons, such as enhancing one’s ability to breathe better.

Nasal bone and cartilage make up the top and bottom halves of the nose’s anatomy, respectively. A Nasal procedure like rhinoplasty can alter bone, cartilage, or nose skin.

Possible factors

Rhinoplasty includes the same risks as any major surgery, including the following:

  • Bleeding\Infection
  • An allergic response to the anesthetic used.


The steps in the procedure:

Step 1: Anesthesia

While you’re having surgery, you’ll be given medication to help sleep and numb your body. Injecting sedatives into the veins and general anesthesia are the two available choices. The physician will suggest the ideal option for you.

Step 2: Make an Incision

Both closed and open rhinoplasty procedures are available, and the choice depends on the patient’s preference and the surgeon’s skill.

The skin layering of the nasal bones and veins is gradually cleared through incisions, providing the path to modify the shape of the nose.

Step 3: Redesigning the structure of the nose

If your nose is too big, you may be able to reduce it by having nasal bones or cartilage removed. Adding cartilage grafts to a nose operation is not uncommon. Typically, septal cartilage, which is found in the center of the nose, is utilized for the graft. Ear cartilage or a small portion of rib cartilage may also be utilized on rare occasions.

Step 4: Correcting a deviated septum

The septum might be straightened, and the protrusion in the nose is trimmed down to enhance breathing.

Step 5: Seal the wound

Incisions are then closed, and the skin and tissue of the nose are redraped to get the desired contour. The natural creases of the nostrils can be further incised to change their size.

Step 6: Evaluate the outcomes

To help the nose heal, splints and gauze packing may be used for a few days. You may learn about the outcome of your rhinoplasty surgery by visiting your doctor.


Splints and packing may be used to stabilize and preserve the new structures in your nose during the first stages of healing following a rhinoplasty.

The swelling diminishes after a few weeks, but your new nasal shape may take up to a year to fully develop. In this period, your nose will begin to take on a more permanent shape, and you may notice the subtle changes made.

In the first year post-operation, one may notice a recurrence of swelling that worsens in the morning. You don’t have to worry about it as it happens to some.

Post-surgery care:

Instructions such as these may be provided to you, and they include:

  1. Incision care.
  2. Healing and infection-fighting medications that can be applied topically or taken orally.
  3. Preoperative and postoperative signs and symptoms to look out for
  4. After your plastic surgery procedure, it’s important to schedule another appointment with your surgeon.


  • There will be long-term benefits to the surgery.
  • The shape of your nose will vary for months after the surgery as it settles into a final form. Your face, particularly your nose, will gradually alter as your body ages. However, the majority of your progress should be long-lasting.
  • Your new look will last longer if you maintain a balanced diet and use sunscreen every day.

One should go in for this kind of nasal reconstruction under the guidance of an expert to get the best of the treatment.

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