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Simple and Unique DIY Tips and Tricks of Gardening

Gardening has been under the spotlight in recent years. Every year the number of people taking it up as their hobby is increasing exponentially. According to a national survey, there has been a two hundred percent increase in the number of people gardening in the past decade.

As new people are entering the field, they lack the necessary skill set to perform it in the right way. Therefore, to ease this transition, we present to you some of the simplest and most unique DIY tricks for gardening.

Recycle Bottles as Flower Pots

Flower pots are an important part of the garden. However, sometimes it might get costly for you to buy new pots for an extension. In such a scenario, using various plastic bottles as flower pots is an ideal step.

It has a sustainability aspect attached to it as well. Plastic causes a lot of pollution, and being non-biodegradable, it takes centuries to decompose. Therefore, recycling is regarded as a big contribution to protecting the environment. This way, in addition to having extra money in your pocket, you will be saving earth too.

Self Painted Garden Stones

One thing that is common amongst new and experienced gardeners is the love for garden stones. If you look around, You will find it in almost every garden in the neighborhood. They are easily available in stores due to their popularity.

However, you can also make them yourselves. If you are creative and like to paint every now and then, you will love doing this task. You just need stones gathered from the seaside and painting material. Involving the kids in this activity for them to showcase their creativity is also a great idea.

Use Eggshells as Natural Fertilizer

You would be surprised, but it has been scientifically proven that eggshells enhance the growth of plants. This will again help you recycle waste that would have otherwise gone into the bin. So next time you eat an egg for breakfast, do not throw the shells away.

Instead, crush it and mix it in the soil. As eggshells are made of calcium, this mixes with the soil and is absorbed by the plant. Calcium is used up in the cell walls resulting in stronger plants.

Use PVC Pipe to Sprinkle Water

Another unique DIY trick for gardening is using a PVC pipe as a sprinkler. You might have noticed that giving water to each and every plant might be a tiresome task. Have you ever wondered how to hack it? Well, we got you covered.

Get a few PVC pipes keeping in mind the dimensions of your garden. Then, make small holes in them below in positions where plants are kept. You will also need a stand or tie it somewhere for it to be in place.

Finally, connect it to a water source, and it will sprinkle water to the plants without you doing any work. Keep in mind to cover the end of the pipe so that water is not wasted.

Watering System for Long-Term

We are here with yet another watering DIY. However, this time we are solving your biggest problem. You must have always worried about what will happen to your plants if you go on a vacation. We have a DIY watering system just for that.

You just have to take a cloth, preferably a towel. Roll it. Take a container with water. Dip one end of the towel in the container and spread the rest of the towel in the flower pot. This will keep the flower watered for quite some time.


These gardening tips and tricks are just the tip of the iceberg. Always explore new ways to make it more amazing. Just a piece of advice that if you come up with a good thing, share it with your fellow gardeners.

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