
How to Care for Your Trophies and Awards

Whether you have a trophy collection from your childhood or have a life award to commemorate your whole career, you may ask how to preserve your trophies and awards to keep them as fresh as the day they were awarded.

While it may be tenting to keep your medals and awards when they start to age or get dusty, it is easy for you and your family to care for them for decades. This article involves Instructions on how to treat nearly every trophy.

Trophies & Awards Made of Crystal & Glass

It will be so good as new after wiping dust and grime with a duster or soft microfibre cloth. The quantity of stain in the air you live in determines how often you need to Staub your glass trophies and other awards. You will need more than just dust to recover your award if you detect a spill or damp mark. It’s not tough, though. A microfiber cloth and some basic window cleaner are all required. Sprinkle the cleanser on a towel and wipe off any dirt, spills, water stains, and leftover cleaners until the award is clean and straight-free.

Engraved crystal awards increase the feeling of performance. Due to the material nature of crystal awards, less thorough cleaning is typically necessary. Never spray glass cleaner directly on a glass or crystal award. If you use diluted white vinegar to make homemade glass cleaner, take great care. If the concentration of vinegar is too high, the acidity of vinegar may act against the material.

Gold Trophies

Your trophy is unlikely to be pure gold. While pure gold is unstoppable, gold-plated prizes may be awarded. As with bronze and brass, clean the gold-plated medals and awards gently with soft water and a soft towel, followed by a clean, soft cloth soaked in clear water. With a soft microfibre towel, dry your treasure and avoid scrubbing or using abrasive pastes or polishes that may cause damage. You may also polish your gold-plated trophies and medals using a cleaning cloth.

Trophies for Silver

The method of cleaning silver-plated trophies is the same as any other award or medal. If you live in a moist climate, silver is quick and easy to tarnish. Clean your silver medals and trophies in one direction just once a month with a silver cloth — Polish on a circular motion or back and forth. As for bronze and brass trophies, whether you display or keep your silver and silver medals in a trophy case, safe bags that assist absorb air moisture and prevent tarnishing.

Wood Trophies and Prizes

Suppose your trophy or award has wood components like a wood foundation or is a plaque or donor tree with wooden elements. In that case, you will not plunge the trophy or award in the water and prevent your hardwood parts from being moistened by washing non-wood elements. For wood purification or polishing, you may polish mile wood furniture using polish on a soft microfiber cloth or rag. Protect any portion of the trophy that is metal or any other substance to prevent the polishing of any furniture. Just as water may harm wood, polishing furniture can damage or discolor certain metal kinds.

Trophies and awards for packaging and storing

We are close to finishing our post on how to care for your trophies and awards, but we can’t leave you without providing our storage and packaging suggestions. Of course, we think you should display your awards. However, you have to pack your medals to move in certain cases or lack the place to display all your awards. Never wrap prizes in a newspaper; use tissue paper rather than place them in a plastic bag of polyethylene. Avoid binding rubber bands because they may damage metals such as silver. Place silica sachets in the box holding your awards when you pack trophies and prizes vulnerable to tarnishing or moisture damage.

Now that you know how to take care of virtually any trophy or medal, you can keep your award secure, dust-free, and shiny for years to come. Keep in mind that most medals may be cleaned with a gentle cloth and mild soapy water. Generally, it is recommended to avoid commercial polishes and never scrub, regardless of the kind of trophy or medal you clean. In your new honor, have joy. If you have further queries, don’t hesitate to contact the appropriate specialists according to the kind of material your prize contains.

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