
Common Mistakes Made When Buying a Used Car

With the used car market growing, the number of buyers who choose to buy their family and personal vehicles in this way is increasing in tandem. This article delves into the things not to do, providing a range of common mistakes made so that you, too, don’t make these when you purchase your next car. The article focuses on the used car market, but the tips will cover any vehicle purchase.

Not test driving it on the freeway

Many people buy a used car that they have spent a large amount of time looking for. Then they rush the purchase process and neglect to test drive the vehicle on the freeway. A small test drive in the local area or around the block won’t give you a true sense of the vehicle you intend to then risk your life in. It is imperative to test drive on the freeway, test all the gears, switches and listen out for any abnormal sounding noises.

Buying it with personalized plates

Don’t buy a car with number plates cherished and loved by the current owner; ask them to take them with them and get your own. If it’s personalized, it’s likely to add value to the vehicle in the seller’s eyes.

Not having it checked by a third party

If you’re going to buy a used car and don’t know much about what happens underneath the hood, then you really need to consider having a third party who does know about the inner running’s of the vehicle with you on the day or arrange the vehicle to be checked.

Not taking the mechanical warranty

It’s normally a nominal fee, yet many people hear the words, extras, or an additional cost, and they turn the offer down, based on the fact that their budget did not include the warranty or tire insurance. It is well worth your peace of mind to ensure that when you drive off the lot, you have protection from any latent mechanical defects.

Falling in love with a particular model

Don’t make your choice based on your love for a particular model. This may blind you to the other choices out there that are either more economical or simply a better vehicle. Have a wide-eyed approach and ensure that you do your reviews of the vehicle, research vehicle ratings, safety, economy, reliability, and pricing.

Not thinking of financing until you are in the dealership

It’s always best to have planned your finance before you meet the salesperson. They will be intent on selling you their best deal and will have finance and a basket of accessories, including finance. It’s highly likely that you can find a better-priced deal if you do a whole of the market search and have approval for a certain limit before you walk in to look at the car you want.

The secondhand car market is massive, and the range of vehicles will amaze you. The secret to avoiding the large number of lemons and unscrupulous used car dealers is to do your research thoroughly and avoid the common mistakes mentioned in this article. If the dealer isn’t interested in your requests, then move on, it’s a buyers’ market, and thus the choice you have out there allows you to be picky. Take your time, and by not making the common mistakes discussed here, you will avoid turning the excitement of a new car into buyer’s remorse.

One thought on “Common Mistakes Made When Buying a Used Car

  • Private Plates

    The rate of depreciation of a new vehicle needs to be considered as picking the wrong model can lose you a lot of money.


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